XML also has tags, such as lang, to label certain fields to indicate language settings for the linguistically meaningful information, such as descriptions. XML也有一些标记,如lang,用于标示某些字段,以表明语言上有意义的信息(如描述)的语言设置。
It aims to drive home the point that you have to choose the right model for the right data to get good, meaningful information. 它旨在强调一点:那就是必须为数据选择合适的模型才能得到有意义的信息。
Reporting allows organizations to access, format, and deliver data as meaningful information to large populations of information consumers both inside and outside the organization. 报表允许企业存取,格式化数据,并且以有意义的信息形式传送给企业内外的广大信息消费者。
Subsequently this has increased the effort by the bioinformatics community to develop novel computational approaches that allow for meaningful information to be extracted. 随后,这已经增加了生物信息学团体的努力来开发新的计算方式,以允许有意义的信息被提取出来。
This rear area is where photoreceptor cells called rods and cones turn the light into meaningful information for the brain. 在这个区域,被称作视杆和视锥的感光细胞将光线转变成有意义的信息并传递给大脑。
It keeps processes running at optimum levels and provides operators meaningful information they need to make decisions. 它使过程保持在最佳的运行水平,为操作人员提供他们做出决策所需要的有效信息。
This factor was relevant because without such meaningful information the EIS itself would be pointless. 该因素的相关性在于,若没有这种有意义的资料,环境影响报告书本身就毫无意义。
But, given that rats run through dream mazes that precisely match their lab mazes, others feel that there must be some purpose or meaningful information in dreams. 也有人考虑到老鼠睡梦质量和实验室表现高度匹配,认为梦一定具有一定的含义,能传达某种信息。
Will develop the technology to help users extract relevant and meaningful information noise. I want to see the technology, so that everyone is on the earth clean water, electricity and a phone. 将开发的技术,帮助用户提取相关和有意义的信息噪音。我希望看到的技术,让每个人都在地球上干净的水,电力和一部手机。
Using appropriate specific commands and gathering meaningful information from the outputs, the progression of the troubleshooting process can be completed. 使用适当的指令取得有意义的输出资料,渐渐就可以完全解决问题。
Possession of discourse ability indicates that a reader is able to read a text as a whole, to get writer's message, and to draw important and meaningful information on the base of understanding the language form. 即阅读者能从宏观的角度,将语篇作为一个整体来处理,在理解语言形式的基础上,进一步领会作者的意图,提取出重要而又有意义的信息。
Data Warehouse is a technology of constructing enterprise information system, which is a new development in recent years, and it can change the collected date into analytical meaningful information. 数据仓库是近年来新兴的一种企业信息系统建设的技术,它能把收集到的数据转变成有意义的可用于分析的信息。
The system is convenient to monitor athletes ′ training processes on-line, and assess training effect off-line, and it gives some meaningful information about training processes that is direct to improve the training programs. 系统实时在线监测运动员的训练过程,离线对训练效果进行分析和对比试验,对训练过程具有指导意义。
The data mining technology is the process of picking up the useful and meaningful information and knowledge from a great deal of data with the computer technology. 数据挖掘技术是利用计算机技术从大量的数据中提取有用的、有意义的信息和知识的过程。
Because of data set covers the rich application satellite remote sensing image information, Choose the most valuable and meaningful information becomes more and more important. 因此,对于涵盖了丰富的卫星遥感成像信息的高光谱图片,选择最有价值的信息显得尤其重要。
Furthermore, VSS can balance the energy consumption amongst nodes by using a round robin method and reduce redundant sensor data to conserve energy while retaining the meaningful information. Thirdly, the paper proposes a novel adaptive data fusion algorithm basing on the spatial-temporal correlation. VSS采用分布式虚拟循环采样的方法进行采样,VSS在实现保存有意义的信息的基础上能有效的平衡各节点的能量消耗,减少冗余数据。三.基于时空相关性提出了一种自适应数据融合算法。
Some applications of the video watermarking require watermark pattern to represent some meaningful information. 但是,视频水印有些应用要求水印信号是有意义的信息。
The present study offered meaningful information for the further development of internet addiction counseling. 本研究为进一步开展大学生网络成瘾咨商辅导提供了有意义的资料。
In this kind of browse, the case browser has to read the cases in detail to pick up the meaningful information from them. 在这种方式中,案例浏览者必须详细阅读案例以提取其中的有用信息。
Schema theory is fundamentally a theory about how humans store, access, and process meaningful information and how the new information ( acquired through our interaction with the world) is incorporated into an existing knowledge structure. 从根本上讲,图式理论是一个关于人类如何存储和加工信息的理论,它阐述了与世界相互作用而获得的新信息是如何与现存的知识结构联系起来的。
In realistic life, many meaningful information of vision are included in sports. 在日常生活中,大量有意义的视觉信息都包含在运动之中。
How to mining out meaningful information from existing ERP system mass data, it is the enterprise executives have focus. 如何从现有ERP系统的海量数据中挖掘出有意义的信息,是企业决策层所关注的焦点。
Reading is considered the ability to recognize and understand written language, that is, to translate text symbols into meaningful information. 读是辨认和理解书面语言,即辨认文字符号并将文字符号转换为有意义的信息输入的能力。
The purpose of this study is providing meaningful information to the sporting goods chain enterprises in China; also provide valuable reference for sporting goods manufacturers how to chose retail terminals and agents. 本研究旨在为我国体育用品连锁经营企业制定发展策略提供有意义的参考,同时也为体育用品生产企业选择代理商和零售终端提供有价值的参考依据。
How to make use of these meaningful information state change events to analyze system behavior, and then to judge the health of the system, plays an important supporting role for enhancing the credibility of the distributed system. 如何利用有意义的信息状态变化事件分析系统行为,进而判断系统的运行状况,对于提升系统的可信性具有重要的支撑作用。
Multi-source information fusion is a method conducting information coming from multiple sources with multi-level, multifaceted, multi-level processing to generate new and meaningful information. 多源信息融合是对来自多个信息源的信息进行多级别、多方面、多层次的处理,产生新的有意义信息的方法。
Just as communication master put forward "the media is the message", in the development of social society, the development of media itself is the truly meaningful information. 正如传播学大师麦克卢汉提出的媒介即讯息,在人类社会发展中,媒介本身的发展即是真正有意义的讯息。
The intelligent video surveillance system use camera work to replace the human eyes. It has the capability of collecting real and meaningful information and making appropriate decisions in order to meet needs of public safety. 其中,智能视频监控系统是为了使用计算机来代替人的行为,使该系统具有收集真实而有意义的信息的能力,然后做出适当的决定,从而保证公共的安全。
Because the activity of two reactant are relatively low and they were difficult to react, andin this step, we have done a lot of valuable experimental conditions, and provided many meaningful information. 酰胺的α-碳原子和亚胺加成,由于两个反应物的活性都比较低而难于反应,本文做了大量有价值的条件实验,为该类反应的理论研究提供了有价值的信息。
It has been developed with an aim to reduce or eliminate information bearing secondary importance, and retain or highlight meaningful information while reducing the dimensionality of data. 其目的是在减少数据维数的同时,尽量减少或去除次要的冗余信息,并且保留或增强有意义的信息。